Sunday, September 27, 2009 12:06 PM
Everyday should be happy

Hello every body, i hadn't blogged for a long time, i mean 1 week. I was very happy when i checked my blog and saw that
you guys said miss me 
Almost of my times now is spent on school and homework. That why i just can update blog once a week on sunday

. But anyway, don't forget me okay? Have i told you that
i am very scare if i am forgotten.But school wasn't too boring as i thought. After school, i and my friends often got out in the neighborhood to eat something. It is really funny

. And some people who come from
USA university came my school. They introduced their school and said that we - students can get schoolarship if we are good at learning. I don't care about it too much cause i know i am not LOL but i think it was
a good chance for us to improve our E. They and we talked in E so i think my listening and speaking skill was improved a little

Well but a part of school i don't like is teachers

. I missed my teachers at my old school who made me like learning, not same as teachers at new school.
They are unlovely, stupid and blah blah. You guys know i am not good at math but i am not stupid at it too. And i really need to say that math teachers teaches so badly, every people in my class agree with me

Okay now stop talking about school, you guys get bored of it right? I just want to say that i am going to go to my friend's birthday party.
Yo it means i will meet all members of my old class, i am really excited 
wanna change cell to LG KF350 ice cream, so cute
Tag reply will be updated later
Sunday, September 20, 2009 11:06 AM
How can they fall in love?
I really don't know how can they fall in love when they just see faces. They don't care how characters are, just care about beautiful faces. They say they are falling in love. I despise these loves. Beautiful faces just meant to be seen, not meant to be loved 

This is a picture of my lunch at school. Well it isn't bad as i thought

. Having lunch at school is fun at all. I can chat with my friends till i can't talk anymore, LOL. But it makes me tired when i can't tak a snap

. I am always tired in the afternoon, i just want to sleep, don't want to learn anything.
Anyway. school is eating my times

. Go to school 6 days a week and do homework, i don't have time to online TToTT But i have a good news that
i got a good mark at chemistry . Can you believe it? I got a good mark at subject which i am bad in haha

. I was really happy!
anyway i found that some people copied me but don't ask my
permission before doing and even don't
credit me. Haizz hate you copycats

. Please use your brain and be nice by asking me before copy, it is too hard for you guys???
Tag replies
afeeqah : okay i will link you
Vicki : Tagged you back
adeline : hi too
HESTER♥ : thanks and left a ta at your blo
VALERIE : thanks :D
Boeing : Thanks for your visting
suraya : thanks
AMELIA : yeah they are -.- and THANKS
aida : thanks
wafaa : she closed her blog and thanks
Jiayi : thank and love your layout
candyqueen : thanks for tagging
Little-Miss-Wendy : thanks, long time no visit :D
LISA : love ya to haha
cipie : yo, let's be friendly
Kim : thanks for visiting
grace : haha yeah damn all rippers
Jieying : ya /_\ cheer up i hope you will love it like i am trying :(
Joanne : haha thanks and be back soon
sha : thanks, your layout is cute too
sophia : i was going to send you but i saw you had had already :D
eugenia : thanks for visting
TianNing : thanks ^^
sorry i just can reply you here but still love my visitors

Sunday, September 13, 2009 10:51 AM
Welcome back baby
It was a long and hard week to me. Go to school and do homework, i didn't have time to do what i like. Gruhhh i start to hate highschool. I mean my highschool only

. Sorry if you feel boring when reading my post but
My classmate are almost funny and friendly but i so hate our teacher! I swear they teach badly, i even didn't understand what they were talking about. It seemed like they talked themself. And they got crazy when we do what they don't like. The teacher i hate the most is history teacher. Okay she just teaches history (not a very important subject) And i don't know what was the matter with her! I just talked to my friend that please give me back my pen, and she screamed "Hey girls, go there, and stand there!!!". Yeah i and my friends stand in front of the board but isn't it enough? She kept saying "I am blah blah blah so blah blah blah" She was lamenting herself like a dump =)). So i laughed, but it was very low! Shit, she saw it
. She asked us to go to manage students room. Ok i went, but my friends told me to sorry her...then i don't know how to do? (if i were taken to manage students room, i will be banned for 3 days) Luckily, my leader standed up and said something to her. She was staring at me??? Did she wait for sorry? No no i don't want to say it, so i didn't say, LOL. I thought she could eat me. Then she told to my main teacher that i was blah blah to her...STUPID!!! 
Now i know that there are 3 teachers who don't like me : history
(this dump), biology
(main teacher) and math teacher

. Highschool is so different from secondary school...i miss my old school. Have a 9 classes per a day in Mon, Wed and Fri so i will have lunch at school but the food there is horrible!
My school is my hell, overStop talking about school here because it is boring. Anyway i was given back my
lap baby 
I am happy right now, LOL. I want to make a new layout for chick-house but haven't had any ideas now. I will change and open it as soon as i can. I am too busy right now!
Sorry people, i cant reply your tag often because i just can online yahoo and visit my blog by my cell. So i will reply you guy here, if you want to know what is it, just visit again and read :D
pailin : Ya thanks, i love your new layout too
kenu : reply at your blog later
vicki : hello, thanks for tagging
cynthia : thanks but i can't visit your
x-JoanBABAY : yeah right
TianNing : replied at your blog
Qing : Lol, thanks and will tag you back :D
Hesterღ : hi and thanks too
sophia : if you want, i can send you the codes, just leave email
dinar : haha thanks
CSS : Thank you a lot
Edwin : will relink you
VALERIE : ya thanks ^^
miko : thank you for tag me
Thursday, September 10, 2009 10:12 PM
I hate school
I HATE SCHOOL. It makes me sick, always!!!

Why is my school too
stern? The lessons are boring! The teachers are >crazy and wicked

. I don't know what the fuck is going on there? They keep bringing boring lessons to us with unwell behaviors

. They thought they were king and queen who can persecute us. I want to punch them and close their mouth so much

Added comment to posts so if you have time, leave me a comment
Will edit and update chick-house in saturday because of a hater
Tuesday, September 8, 2009 6:52 PM
Can she change?
Oh i have just moved back to blogger a few day ago then i got trouble with STUPID RIPPER!!! It's ripper's blog link.

Her name is Kelly. If you read steph's blog already, she was ripped OSL.blogspot skin too. And i sure that i saw in that blog before it be closed, the owner's name is Kelly too. And i know her styl, her name before she moved to Australia.
She even scold me in her tagboard though i didn't do anything to her. Is she crazy about over her??? I HATE HER!!! MANY PEOPLE HATE HER! If you have been in blogging for some months, you will now a BIG SCANDAL about her. She ripped, copied and faked. SHE WAS REALLY FAMOUS!!!
Stop making troubles with me!
Sunday, September 6, 2009 1:17 PM
A new blog was born
Yeah, you are in my new blog now. I moved back from wordpress again

. I you want to know why i moved, just read it...
1. Wordpress is still too hard for me. Though it has many useful plugins but making theme is so hard
2. School will start on Monday and i won't able to online and update often. It will just wastes Anne's space for me
3. I miss blogger haha
And you saw my theme right

I spent one day to make it. And i love it
(I always love my themes, LOL) Let me tell you something fun things in my blog. I love my
cursor, it look cute and delicious

. Try to hover
blockquote and you will find something, keke. And my tagboard i love it the most because of pink and cute background.
I wanted to make naviation hover with these pictures but i don't know how to do 

If you know, can tell me, i will credit you for the tutorials!Thanks to
AmeliaMy blog is now opened so feel free to
tag and

Back to my boring life, okay. Yesterday went to school to celebrate school's new term

The weather was hot and sitting out side really made me sick. Anyway it was fun at all because there are some singers came and sang

It made our celebration more
interesting and
specialAnd i got my uniform but gosh, it is too short

. When i tried to wear it, i look like a farmer, LOL. The worst thing is that our uniform is so
ugly! I swear it is the ugliest one i have ever seen

. Then i order a new one in sewing store, i hope they will make it better.